Introduction to the Emergent Transferable Tax Credit Market
Our Q3 2023 email update to corporate taxpayers.
The market for transferable tax credits has gained momentum heading into Q4, as many buyers want to get their first deals done in the 2023 tax year. We expect the volume of deals to increase substantially as we reach the end of the year.
Exploring the latest market developments with EY and Troutman Pepper
In the latest edition of 10 Questions With Reunion, Brian Murphy of EY, Adam Kobos of Troutman Pepper, and our CEO, Andy Moon, discuss what they are seeing in transferable tax credit transactions.
The wide-ranging discussion covers topics of interest to tax credit buyers including pricing, using credits to offset estimated tax payments, timing of the IRS portal, and how to mitigate project risks.
Watch the full episode here.
See you at TEI on October 22-25 in NYC
Reunion is headed to New York on October 22-25 to attend the Tax Executives Institute (TEI) Annual Conference. Reunion CEO Andy Moon will be speaking on a panel about tax credit transfers. If you’d like to meet and discuss tax credit transfers while we are in New York, please schedule a meeting with us.
Best of luck to everyone closing out the quarter!
Team Reunion